Peer-Reviewed Publications
Emily Guthrie, Anton Frolenkov and Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda, “Limit behavior of the magnetic coupling coefficient for mid-range, near-field applications,” Proceedings of the 2013 PowerMEMS conference, London, UK, December 3–6, 2013.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with Emily Guthrie and Anton Frolenkov, two of my undergraduate research assistants.Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda, Shuo Cheng and David P. Arnold, “Improving the Efficiency of Electrodynamic Wireless Power Transmission,” Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013) - Convened Sessions, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 8–12, 2013, pages 2761–2765.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in collaboration with Professor David Arnold at the University of Florida and Dr. Shuo Cheng at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Vinod R. Challa, Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda and David P. Arnold, “Wireless Power Transmission to an Electromechanical Receiver using Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields,” Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 21, Number 11, November 2012, page 115017.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with Prof. David Arnold and Dr. Vinod R. Challa at the University of Florida.Vinod R. Challa, David P. Arnold and Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda, “Electrodynamic Wireless Power Transmission Using Low Frequency Magnetic Fields,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Wireless Energy Transport and Harvesting, Leuven, Belgium, May 31, 2012.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with Prof. David Arnold and Dr. Vinod R. Challa at the University of Florida.Vinod R. Challa, Vikram Divakar, Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda and David P. Arnold, “Wireless Power Transmission to an Electrodynamic Energy Harvester Using Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields,” Proceedings of the 2011 PowerMEMS conference, Seoul, Korea, November 15–18, 2011.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with Prof. David Arnold and his research team at the University of Florida.Vinod R. Challa, Vikram Divakar, Shuo Cheng, Jose Oscar Mur-Miranda and David P. Arnold, “Modified Energy-Harvesting Devices for Wireless Power Transfer,” Presented at the 2011 International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications, 6th Annual Energy Harvesting Workshop, and 1st Annual Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems Conference, Roanoke, VA, August 7–11, 2011.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments and analysis in close collaboration with Prof. David Arnold and his research team at the University of Florida.J.O. Mur-Miranda and G. Fanti, “Peak wireless power transfer using magnetically coupled series resonators,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Energy Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, December 18–22, 2010, pages 728-733.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with G. Fanti, my undergraduate research assistant.J.O. Mur-Miranda, G. Fanti, Y. Feng, K. Omanakuttan, R. Ongie, A. Setjoadi and N. Sharpe, “Wireless power transfer using weakly coupled magnetostatic resonators,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo, Atlanta, GA, September 12–16, 2010, pages 4179–4186.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments, analysis and manuscript in close collaboration with my group of undergraduate research assistants.C. Lee, D. Stamp, N. Kapania and J.O. Mur-Miranda, “Harvesting vibration energy using nonlinear oscillations of an electromagnetic inductor,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7683 Energy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications, April 5, 2010.
Contribution: Developed theory, experiments and analysis in close collaboration with Prof. Chris Lee and his group of undergraduate research assistants.S. Meninger, J.O. Mur-Miranda, R. Amirtharajah, A.P. Chandrakasan and J.H. Lang, “Vibration-to-electric energy conversion,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2001, pages 64–76.
Contribution: Meninger and I wrote this paper in collaboration. Meninger is an expert in Very-Low-Power electronics and designed a controller for his Master’s thesis, “A Low Power Controller for a MEMS Based Energy Converter”. The underlying theory, the converter design and the power electronics are included in my doctoral thesis, “Electrostatic Vibration-to-Electric Energy Conversion”.
Impact: This is the first published design of an electrostatic vibration-to-electric energy converter. Other papers have implemented our design or used our theoretical analysis. Our work has been cited by 605 documents according to Google Scholar, and 260 according to Web of Science with new citations added regularly as of 2013, twelve years later.R. Amirtharajah, S. Meninger, J.O. Mur-Miranda, A. Chandrakasan, J. Lang, “A micropower programmable DSP powered using a MEMS-based vibration-to-electric energy converter,” Digest of Technical Papers of the 2000 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Conference, pages 362–363.
Contribution: Amirtharajah wrote this paper on a system that included my doctoral research on vibration-to-electric energy converters.S. Meninger, J.O. Mur-Miranda, R. Amirtharajah, A. Chandrakasan, J. Lang, “Vibration-to-electric energy conversion,” Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pages 48–53.
Contribution: Initial conference paper where my vibration-to-electric energy converter was presented.A.H. Epstein, S.D. Senturia, G. Anathasuresh, A. Ayon, K. Breuer, K-S. Chen, F.F. Ehrich, G. Gauba, R. Ghodssi, C. Groshenry, S.A. Jacobson, J.H. Lang, C-C. Lin, A. Mehra, J.O. Mur-Miranda, S. Nagle, D.J. Orr, E. Piekos, M.A. Schmidt, G. Shirley, S.M. Spearing, C.S. Tan, Y-S. Tzeng and I.A. Waitz, “Power MEMS and Microengines,” Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, IL, June 16–19, 1997, pages 753–756.
Contribution: My master’s thesis work was to determine the feasibility of electrostatic bearings for the rotor, an important subsystem of the microengine.A.H. Epstein, S.D. Senturia, O. Al-Midani, G. Anathasuresh, A. Ayon, K. Breuer, K-S Chen, F.E. Ehrich, E. Esteve, L. Frechette, G. Gauba, R. Ghodssi, C. Groshenry, S. Jacobson, J.L. Kerrebrock, J.H. Lang, C-C Lin, A. London, J. Lopata, A. Mehra, J.O. Mur Miranda, S. Nagle, D.J. Orr, E. Piekos, M.A. Schmidt, G. Shirley, S.M. Spearing, C.S. Tan, Y-S Tzeng and I.A. Waitz, “Micro-Heat Engines, Gas Turbines, and Rocket Engines—The MIT Microengine Project,” AIAA Paper 97-1773, 28th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass, CO, June 29–July 2, 1997.
Contribution: My master’s thesis work was to determine the feasibility of electrostatic bearings for the rotor, an important subsystem of the microengine.